
Babies Play with Colour

Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki

  • 3.9.2024–12.10.2024 (useita ajankohtia)

The Babies Play with Colour workshop is designed for infants aged 4–11 months with an accompanying adult. It consists of play and interaction on the child’s terms.


What colour is a blueberry? What does yellow taste like?

In the workshop, babies explore materials by feeling, listening, smelling and tasting. The materials include various fabrics, feathers and fruit purees selected on the basis of the current colour theme.

Target group: 4–11-month babies with adults
Duration: approximately 1.5 hours. The ticket includes admission to the exhibitions.

The language of the workshop is Finnish, but all instructors know English and can advise if necessary.


”The workshop perfectly combines learning about art and playing. It was nice to get a short tour of the exhibition and discuss art in a group. A really nice shared moment with friends and children.”

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Museum contact details

Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma
Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki

0294 500 501

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

22/12/0 €

Payment methods

Pääsymaksun voi maksaa myös Museokortilla, Smartumin kulttuurisetelillä, Luottokunnan Virikesetelillä, TyKy-Kuntosetelillä tai ePassilla.