Koljonvirta history path
Juhani Aho Museum, Iisalmi
- 19.4.2021–
Finnish war in the authentic environment
The Koljonvirta path is about one-kilometre-long nature and history trail, where you can walk among peaceful forests and lakes. In the midst of the forest, you can see old war remains like artillery positions and dugouts. There are information boards along the trail to tell you about the Koljonvirta battle, locations, cannonfire and life of the soldiers. There is also 0,5 km long extension to the trail, where you can read about the Blood Night of Iisalmi, a fateful night in the Battle of Koljonvirta.
Our AR-application that you can download into your smart phone detects the images in the information boards and shows you videos about soldiers' life in the early 1800s.
SUGGESTION: There is a campfire site on the trail, so bring your own lunch, sit down and admire the lakeside view.
Museum contact details
Juhani Aho Museum
Ouluntie 37, 74160 Iisalmi
040 489 4026
Yhteydet julkisilla
Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Juhani Aho Museum, Ouluntie 37, 74160 Iisalmi
Admission fees
3 / 2 / 1,5 €
Payment methods
Korttimaksu, käteinen, Smartum,
Museokortti, pressikortti, Pohjois-Savon K9-etu ja kulttuurikuriirietu, Kaikukortti, ICOM-kortti.
Ryhmille saatavissa laskutus.
Opening hours
Suljettu väliaikaisesti
Open 15.5.-31.8. Mon-Sun 10.00-18.00. Closed during winter.