
Guided tour in Swedish at Archipelago Museum: Vardagen på ett fiskehemman

Archipelago Museum Pentala, Espoo

  • 28.7.2024 (kl. 12:30-13)
  • 4.8.2024 (kl. 12:30-13)
  • 11.8.2024 (kl. 12:30-13)
  • 18.8.2024 (kl. 12:30-13)
  • 25.8.2024 (kl. 12:30-13)
  • 1.9.2024 (kl. 12:30-13)

This guided tour in Swedish introduces you to the way of life in the archipelago and to the people who used to live on the Nyholm archipelago homestead.


Self-sufficient fishermen led a life that depended on the sea, the weather and several other factors. The guided tour in Swedish takes a dive into the realities of life in the archipelago and to the people who used to live on the Nyholm archipelago homestead and offers also a glimpse into the stories of the summer residents.

The tour starts at the stairs to the main building Villa Rosengård. Free entry.

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Museum events

Osana kulttuurikierrosta

Museum contact details

Archipelago Museum Pentala
Pentala 44, 02380 Espoo

043 8252 641

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Archipelago Museum Pentala, Pentala 44, 02380 Espoo


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

Museoalueelle on vapaa pääsy. Gurlin talon pääsylippu 10/8/0 €.
Fritt inträde till museiområdet. Inträde till Gurlis hus 10/8/0 €.
Free admission to museum area. Entrance fee to Gurli’s house 10/8/0 €.

Payment methods

Käteinen, useimmat luotto- ja debit-kortit.

Museokortti, Edenred-, ePassi-, Smartum-mobiilisovellukset, SmartumPay, Edenred-kortti sekä Kaikukortti.