Admission with Museum Card


Hvitträskintie 166,
02440 Luoma Hvitträskvägen 166,
02440 Bobäck

A work of art created by architects Gesellius, Lindgren and Saarinen. Experience the national romantic atelier, the thrilling stories of the designers and the beautiful environs.

Suljettu väliaikaisesti

The architect trio fell in love with the landscape of Lake Vitträsk and built a studio home in the natural romantic style out of logs and natural stone. Hvitträsk, completed in 1903, is a unique, comprehensive work of art that attracts design and architecture enthusiasts from Finland and abroad each year.

• Experience the atmosphere of the studio home, the workplace of the young architects.
• Admire the Liekki tapestry designed by Akseli Gallen-Kallela in the Hvitträsk house.
• Walking or enjoying a break in the Hvitträsk garden is an essential part of the museum experience. A container café is open in the summer in the garden.
• The museum also arranges exhibitions, concerts and various other events.

Listen to the fascinating stories of the architect trio’s lives and famous guests on our guided tours. Open tours are held daily from Wednesday to Sunday in Finnish, Swedish and English. You can also book a private tour for yourself, a group of friends or any other type of group.

Hvitträsk is open in the summer and closed for the winter. Hvitträsk is open from Wednesday to Sunday between May and the end of September.

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Museum contact details

Hvitträskintie 166, 02440 Luoma Hvitträskvägen 166, 02440 Bobäck

0295 33 6951

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Hvitträsk, Hvitträskintie 166, 02440 Luoma Hvitträskvägen 166, 02440 Bobäck


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

15/10/4 €
Perhelippu 30 €

Payment methods

käteinen, yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit. Meillä käy myös Museokortti ja Helsinki card.

Opening hours

Suljettu väliaikaisesti

1.5.-30.9. Wed-Sun 11 am- 5 pm
