 Admission with Museum Card

Jukka Rintala – The Way of Dreams 15.6.–1.9.2024

The Craft Museum of Finland, Jyväskylä

  • 15.6.2024–1.9.2024


Since his youth, fashion artist and icon Jukka Rintala has created rich and colourful clothes and brought a touch of glamour to everyday life. He is a versatile artist and one of the brightest stars of the Finnish fashion world. The exhibition features his unique clothes, industrial production and paintings from his long career.
The exhibition is designed by visual artist Matti Vaskelainen.

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Museum contact details

The Craft Museum of Finland
Kauppakatu 25, 40100 Jyväskylä

050 311 8884

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


The Craft Museum of Finland, Kauppakatu 25, 40100 Jyväskylä


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

8/6/4/0 €

Payment methods

Visa, Mastercard, Museokortti, Smartum liikunta- ja kulttuuriseteli ja Smartum Pay, Epassi, Tyky+ -kulttuuri- ja liikuntaseteli sekä Edenred-kortti.

Opening hours

Mon Closed
Tue 11:00-18:00
Wed 11:00-18:00
Thu 11:00-18:00
Fri 11:00-18:00
Sat 11:00-18:00
Sun 11:00-18:00

Further information about opening hours is available at: www.craftmuseum.fi/­en/­craft-museum-finland/­visit-us/­opening-times-and-admissions

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