Mauri Kunnas Exhibition
The WeeGee Exhibition Centre, Espoo
- 7.10.2022–
The Mauri Kunnas exhibition has something to see and experience for the whole family! The exhibition presenting the work and life of Mauri Kunnas is permanently on display at WeeGee.
If you are visiting the exhibition with children, you can delve into the colourful world of Kunnas by playing in settings that are familiar from his books. Why not try the life of a pirate or see one of the most important tools of Santa Claus. Take a nice break from playing in the reading crater, and immerse yourself in Kunnas’ books surrounded by the planets of our solar system.
For the most enthusiastic fans of the beloved author, the exhibition rooms offer a glimpse into the personal story of Kunnas as well as the creation process of his books. The works on display include detailed pencil sketches and colourful aquarelle sketches.
We hope that a visit to the exhibition will inspire you to grab a book by Mauri Kunnas full of varied details and exciting stories!
Museum exhibitions
Osana kulttuurikierrosta
Museum contact details
The WeeGee Exhibition Centre
Ahertajantie 5, (Tapiola), 02100 Espoo
09 816 31818
Yhteydet julkisilla
Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
The WeeGee Exhibition Centre, Ahertajantie 5, (Tapiola), 02100 Espoo
Admission fees
20/10/0€. Alle 18-v maksutta.
Perjantaisin vapaa pääsy klo 15–19.
Alennettu hinta koskee kaikkia alle 29-vuotiaita, opiskelijoita, eläkeläisiä, siviilipalvelus- ja varusmiehiä/-naisia, opettajia, työttömiä ja taiteilijoita. Ryhmälipun hinta on 16€ (min. 10henk.).
Payment methods
SmartumPay, Edenred-mobiilimaksu, Edenred-kortti, ePassi
Opening hours
Mon | Closed |
Tue | 11:00-17:00 |
Wed | 11:00-19:00 |
Thu | 11:00-19:00 |
Fri | 11:00-19:00 |
Sat | 11:00-17:00 |
Sun | 11:00-17:00 |
Accessibility [the criteria]
- Accessible toilet
- Disabled parking
- Restricted accessibility: Esteetön sisäänpääsy lukuunottamatta Futuro-taloa, joka on avoinna kesäkaudella.
- Seating inside the exhibition
- Tactile objects
- Wheelchair on loan