
Sibbe Live!: Evening of Folk Music – Tallari

The Sibelius Museum, Turku

  • 28.5.2025 (19.00–20.00)

Katri Haukilahti: violin, vocals, keyed fiddle
Sampo Korva: harmonium, guitar, 2 row accordion
Arto Järvelä: violin, mandolin, esseharpa
Esko Järvelä: violin, harmonium, tenor guitar


From the cradle of pelimanni music (Finnish folk music tradition) in Kaustinen, folk music ensemble Tallari has kept the flame of Finnish roots music alive for almost four decades, giving life to the treasures of the archives as well as creating new ones. The current members of Tallari are some of the best-known Finnish folk musicians, namely, Arto Järvelä, Esko Järvelä, Katri Haukilahti and Sampo Korva.

The band’s new album, Pelimannitalolla, was released in summer 2024, and once again takes the listener into the world of virtuosic violin playing. At the same time, Tallari’s new line-up celebrates its fifth anniversary with the new album!

The new Tallari continues the legacy of its predecessors, reviving the old “Pelimanni” dance feeling with its exuberant and rich vision.

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Museum contact details

The Sibelius Museum
Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku

050 337 6906, 050 362 5828

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


The Sibelius Museum, Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

7/5€, ryhmät 5€/ hlö (väh.10). Konserttien hinnat erikseen.
| 7/5€, grupper 5€/pers (minst 10) Konserternas pris avviker. 
| 7/5€, groups 5€/person (min. 10) The price of the concerts may vary.

Payment methods

Käteinen, yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit, Museokortti, Smartum- & Epassi-kulttuurisetelit, ICOM, Pressikortti, Vammaiskortti.
Kontanter, allmännaste bank- och kreditkort, Museikortet. Smartum-& Epassi-kultursedlar, ICOM, Presskort, Funktionshinderkort
Cash, most common credit cards (Visa, Mastercard), Museokortti, Smartum, Epassi, ICOM, Presscard, EU Disability Card

Opening hours

Suljettu väliaikaisesti

The museum is closed 1.1., 6.-21.1., 18.4., 1.5., 20.-22.6., 6.12. 24.-26.12.,31.12., 1.1.2026



live music, concert, folk music