 Admission with Museum Card

Burn to be wild

Haltia The Finnish Nature centre, Espoo

  • 4.5.2024–6.4.2026

Burn to be wild exhibition presents information on our own Northern coniferous forests and the use of fire in safeguarding their natural values. The exhibition is part of the Life2Taiga project.


Are forest fires beneficial at all? Why are forests burned for nature conservation?

Species and habitats revived by restoration burns
Our forest nature has become monocultural due to logging. Prescribed burning accelerates the restoration of forest biodiversity, returning it to a more natural state. It also promotes the return of species that depend on fire, which is also appreciated by many other species. Species are all dependent on one another. Establishing a fire continuum, i.e. setting a chain of fires close together and frequently enough, is vital to species that depend on fires.

A lack of biodiversity makes forest nature vulnerable to changes, such as climate change, insects and storms. Restoration burns enhance biodiversity, thus enabling forest nature to better respond to changes.

What does a prescribed burning accomplish?
A burn releases nutrients in the soil and provides growing space for deciduous trees, grasses and herbaceous plants. This transforms a forest previously lacking in biodiversity into one filled with a wide variety of species. Hole-nesters, such as woodpeckers, carve out their nesting holes, while creating excellent living conditions for other hole-nesters. The volume of decaying and charred trees is increased, thus making the area an ideal habitat for insects. The insects, in turn, are a source of food for birds and many mammals.

Fire – a good servant when handled properly
Done properly, setting a fire is a safe procedure. However, fire is also something to be feared. In addition to safety, there is also concern for the other inhabitants of the forest when the fires start burning.

The exhibition provides food for thought – what aspects of prescribed burning make you think or please you? Could it be that forests BURN TO BE WILD and diverse again?

Burn to be wild exhibition at Haltia – The Finnish Nature Centre 4.5.2024-6.4.2026 – welcome!

Read more: https:/­/­haltia.com/­en/­portfolio-item/­burn-to-be-wild-exhibition/­

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Museum contact details

Haltia The Finnish Nature centre
Nuuksiontie 84, 02820 Espoo

040 163 6200

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Haltia The Finnish Nature centre, Nuuksiontie 84, 02820 Espoo


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

13,50/8,50/0 €

Payment methods

Käteinen, pankki- ja luottokortit, Smartum, Edenred/Virike

Opening hours

Mon Closed
Tue 10:00-17:00
Wed 10:00-17:00
Thu 10:00-17:00
Fri 10:00-17:00
Sat 10:00-17:00
Sun 10:00-17:00

Check opening hours: haltia.com

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