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Fredagar på Sibbe: Songs We Carry

The Sibelius Museum, Turku

  • 13.9.2024 (19.00–20.00)

Acclaimed British singer and multi-instrumentalist Ana Silvera and Palestinian composer, Oud virtuoso and singer Saied Silbak join creative forces for ‘Songs We Carry’.


Ana Silvera and Saied Silbak's collaboration explores the common ground between their heritages – the emotive, melancholy of Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) music and the rich Maqams and intricate melodies of Arabic song.

For Ana Silvera, this project is deeply personal, rooted in her family’s history as Jewish refugees of the Spanish Inquisition, who resettled in Aleppo (then part of the Ottoman Empire) in the 18th century. Silvera’s re-working of ancestral song offers a glimpse into the resilience and beauty of her heritage; her talent for rendering these ancient melodies afresh also gestures to her work as a singer-songwriter, a path that has earned her praise from discerning critics including The Guardian, who have lauded her work as “stunning… magical storytelling.”

Tickets 25€/15€, doors 18.30.

NB. Concert tickets cannot be bought with the Museum Card.

Meanwhile, Saied Silbak’s journey from Shafaa’mr, a city located in the lower Galilee of occupied Palestine, to the cosmopolitan landscape of London infuses his artistry with a profound understanding of diverse musical traditions. With virtuosity honed through a lifetime of exploration, Silbak masterfully melds Arabic, Turkish, and Indian influences with Western styles, crafting a signature sound that transcends borders.

Ana Silvera and Saied Silbak invite audiences on an evocative journey, exploring history, culture and heritage through music. At the heart of this collaboration is the duo’s deep kinship, both as friends and musical minds.

This duo have already proved their wide-ranging appeal with appearances including Amare Den Haag (NL), the Vortex Jazz Club (UK) and the Royal Opera House (UK). They will tour the Nordics and release their debut album in September 2024, culminating in a launch at London’s Kings Place.

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Museum contact details

The Sibelius Museum
Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku

050 337 6906, 050 362 5828

Museum website

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Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


The Sibelius Museum, Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

7/5€, ryhmät 5€/ hlö (väh.10). Konserttien hinnat erikseen.
| 7/5€, grupper 5€/pers (minst 10) Konserternas pris avviker. 
| 7/5€, groups 5€/person (min. 10) The price of the concerts may vary.

Payment methods

Käteinen, yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit, Museokortti, Smartum- & Epassi-kulttuurisetelit, ICOM, Pressikortti, Vammaiskortti.
Kontanter, allmännaste bank- och kreditkort, Museikortet. Smartum-& Epassi-kultursedlar, ICOM, Presskort, Funktionshinderkort
Cash, most common credit cards (Visa, Mastercard), Museokortti, Smartum, Epassi, ICOM, Presscard, EU Disability Card
