
Childrens` Sunday in English

Suomen Ilmailumuseo, Vantaa

  • 20.10.2024

Childrens’ Sundays continue at the Finnish Aviation Museum in the Autumn on every 3rd Sunday of the month! We invite you to spend a fun and aviation themed day with whole family!


Childrens’ Sundays continue at the Finnish Aviation Museum in the Autumn on every 3rd Sunday of the month! We invite you to spend a fun and aviation themed day with whole family!

The program of Childrens’ Sunday on 20th of October will be in English.

We start the day at 11am with the Junior Pilots Flight School. During the tour, we get to know the basics of flying and aviation and visit Convair Metropolitan – the crown jewel of our Exhibitions. After the tour, the participants take a small test to get their own Junior Pilot’s Licence. Tour is suitable for children aged 6–12 years. Kids participate with a supervising adult and maximum amount of participants is 20 children.

What does flying feel like? What kind of creatures can fly? During the day we organise also storytime sessions where we get to know different fairytales that include flying in different forms. Story time sessions are at Avia cabinet at 2pm and at 3 pm.

Participation for Childrens Sundays is included to Museum ticket (children 7-17 years 6 €, adults 12 €, children under 7 years old and with Museumcard 0 €). We accept also Kaikukortti card. Registeration for tour and story sessions is at our customer service on the day of the event.

Welcome to have a flying Sunday!

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Museon yhteystiedot

Suomen Ilmailumuseo
Karhumäentie 12, 01530 Vantaa

(09) 870 0870

Museon kotisivut

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Suomen Ilmailumuseo, Karhumäentie 12, 01530 Vantaa


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus


Sisäänpääsy Museokortilla
Sisäänpääsy Museokortilla

12/6/0 €


Käteinen, yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit.
Maestro. ePassi (pääsyliput, elämyspalvelut, elämyslahjakortit). Smartum-kortti, Smartum-kulttuuriseteli, Tyky kuntoseteli+, TicketMindBody ja Ticket Duo (henkilökohtaisen museolipun tai Museokortin osto).


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