 Admission with Museum Card

Untamed 90s – Finnish Photographic Art in the 1990s

The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki

  • 20.9.2024–12.1.2025

In the 1990s Finnish photography challenged traditions and reflected the social upheavals of the time. A new collections exhibition presents 90 images from the untamed nineties.


In the 1990s, Finnish photographic art was more diverse than ever before in terms of expression, themes and authors. Young photographers challenged the modernist notion of photography as separate from other arts. The term postmodernism, often associated with the experimental art of the decade, was more of a rebellious attitude than a coherent stylistic direction. Refined black-and-white prints were thus accompanied by colourful, bold and inventive expression that exploited the potential of photography in new ways. The Untamed 90s exhibition focuses on this photographic art, which was characteristic of the 1990s and opened up in countless directions.

In addition to various material experiments, photographic art reflected phenomena that defined the decade, such as globalisation, popular culture, critique of the consumer society, postmodern irony, climate change and the rise of digital technology. Feminist critique intensified and the long struggle of women for a more equal art world and society was reflected not only in the diversification of the artistic community, but also in the proliferation of art that dealt with identities, everyday life and questions of bodies. Many of the themes discussed in the 1990s have not lost their relevance to this day.

More ambitious and theory-based training for photographers, high-quality exhibitions organised by regional photo centres and export projects for Finnish photography led to rapid internationalisation.

All of the works in the Untamed 90s exhibition are part of the collections of the Finnish Museum of Photography. The 1990s are exceptionally well represented in the collections and the exhibition consists of 90 works by 48 artists. The exhibition is not only a story of Finnish photography in the 1990s, but also a window into the museum's collection work and the power it wields.

The artists in the exhibition are Lauri Anttila, Petri Anttonen, Elina Brotherus, Petteri Bülow, Henrik Duncker, Juha Allan Ekholm, Veli Granö, Raoul Grünstein, Ilkka Halso, Marja Helander, Tuovi Hippeläinen, Juha-Pekka Inkinen, Markus Jokela, Ulla Jokisalo, Ismo Kajander, Aino Kannisto, Martti Kapanen, Pertti Kekarainen, Marjaana Kella, Elina Ketola, Sakari Kiuru, Ola Kolehmainen, Andrei Lajunen, Harri Larjosto, Jukka Lehtinen, Jouko Lehtola, Marita Liulia, Juha Metso, Esko Männikkö, Juha Nenonen, Miira Ojanen, Jyrki Parantainen, Sari Poijärvi, Tero Puha, Jorma Puranen, Merja Puustinen, Kati Rapia, Heikki Rapo, Heli Rekula, Seppo Renvall, Kari Riipinen, Riitta Rönkkö, Juha Saari, Merja Salo, Magnus Scharmanoff, Jari Silomäki, Pekka Turunen, Yrjö Tuunanen, Touko Yrttimaa.

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Museum contact details

The Finnish Museum of Photography
Kaapelitehdas, Kaapeliaukio 3, G-rappu, Helsinki

040 1922 300

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


The Finnish Museum of Photography, Kaapelitehdas, Kaapeliaukio 3, G-rappu, Helsinki


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

12/6/0 €. Museokortilla ilmainen sisäänpääsy.
1.1.2024 alkaen 16/6/0 €

Payment methods

käteinen, kaikki yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit, Museokortti, kulttuurisetelit

Opening hours

Mon Closed
Tue 11:00-19:00
Wed 11:00-19:00
Thu 11:00-19:00
Fri 11:00-19:00
Sat 11:00-18:00
Sun 11:00-18:00

Free admission on every last Wednesday of the month, 4 to 7 pm.

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