WAM Kilta Gallery: Heini Aho – Parting
WAM, Turku
- 15.9.2024–2.2.2025
During the renovation of the WAM museum building, the exhibitions of the City Art Museum will be held in the new exhibition space of Art House Turku in Kilta Gallery (Nunnankatu 4, 20700 Turku). The exhibition series of WAM Kilta Gallery is opened by Parting, an exhibition by Heini Aho who lives and works in Turku.
In this exhibition consisting of sculptures, installations and media works, Heini Aho observes the distribution, partitioning and segregation suggested by the name of the exhibition, expanding to reflect, for example, on the many meanings of the concept. The artworks focus on these themes both at the individual and everyday level as well as explore how they are present in society and our culture in general. Aho examines everyday matters and objects that we take for granted and their use from a new perspective. The works convey wonder and the need to explore, but there is also a bit of humor in them.
An integral part of the exhibition is an exhibition text written by the Turku-based author Jaakko Yli-Juonikas, which also functions as an independent artwork. The text offers different perspectives and ways of experiencing the works in the exhibition. Jaakko Yli-Juonikas is the author of some of the most original works in contemporary Finnish literature, including the acclaimed Neuromaani (2012).
WAM Kilta Gallery open Tue-Sun 10-18. Free entrance.
Museum exhibitions
Osana kulttuurikierrosta
Museum contact details
Itäinen Rantakatu 38, Turku
(02) 262 0850
Yhteydet julkisilla
Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
WAM, Itäinen Rantakatu 38, Turku
Admission fees
WAM Kilta Galleria: Vapaa pääsy / Fritt inträde / Free entrance.
Opening hours
Suljettu väliaikaisesti
Closed after 12.5.2024 for renovation. WAM Kilta Gallery (Taiteen talo, Nunnankatu 4) open Tue-Sun 10–18.
Accessibility [the criteria]
- Accessible
- Accessible toilet
- Induction loop
- Restricted accessibility: Ylin näyttelytasanne sekä WAMx-tila portaiden päässä.