
Painting Workshop: Imagine a Tree and the Sea

Kunsthalle Seinäjoki, Seinäjoki

  • 10.7.2024 (13.00-17.00)

Paint postcards with ink and watercolour.


Come paint a summerly postcard with ink pens and watercolours! The workshop is inspired by exhibitions on display: the sea-related Those Who Kept the Light by Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Imagine a Tree by Jacob Juhl.

Feel free to pop in our workshops from 12am to 2pm and from 3pm to 5pm.

Suitable for all ages and free of charge.

On Wednesdays in July, there is free entrance to our art exhibitions from 11am to 7pm.

The painting workshop celebrates the Day of Visual Arts in Finland as well as the birthday of the Finnish painter Helene Scherfbeck (1862 – 1946).

Photo: Krista Luoma. View from Nastja Säde Rönkkö's exhibition Those Who Kept the Light.

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Museum contact details

Kunsthalle Seinäjoki
Taide- ja kulttuurikeskus Kalevan Navetta, Nyykoolinkatu 25, 60100 Seinäjoki

050 5143407

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Kunsthalle Seinäjoki, Taide- ja kulttuurikeskus Kalevan Navetta, Nyykoolinkatu 25, 60100 Seinäjoki


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card


Payment methods

Visa, Mastercard, Tyky+ ja Virike -setelit, Smartum, ePassi, Kaikukortti, Ystäväkortti ja Kulttuurikaveri-kortti.