
Edible and medicinal plants in Finland

Kuopio Natural History Museum, Kuopio

  • 11.7.2024 (18.00-20.00)

You are welcome to come walk and learn together how to identify tasty and heathy wild plants!


In this walk you will learn to identify tasty and healthy wild plants for cooking and also learn about their medicinal use, sustainable foraging and Everyone’s rights. Own snacks, possibility to grill.

Meeting place: Aaro Jalkanen's statue, Puijonsarventie, Puijonnokka

More information: phone 040 573 8205

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Museum contact details

Kuopio Natural History Museum
Museokatu 4, 70100 Kuopio

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Kuopio Natural History Museum, Museokatu 4, 70100 Kuopio


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Ei Museokortti-museo

Ei Museokortti-museo