 Admission with Museum Card

I feel, for now

Amos Rex, Helsinki

  • 27.3.2024–8.9.2024

I feel, for now is Amos Rex’s first exhibition of works from its own collections on this scale, and takes us through the art into emotions. The exhibition is on show from 27 March to 8 September 2024.


Art moves us, or not, in ways that we ourselves do not always quite understand, let alone know how to put them into words. I feel, for now is Amos Rex’s first exhibition of works from its own collections on this scale and takes us through the art into emotions. The more than a hundred artworks chosen for the exhibition carry us from isolation to empathy, from ecstasy to nostalgia. Whatever we feel when faced with works of art, perhaps we could approach them with the same attitude as the intriguingly indefinable creature in Juhani Linnovaara’s Curious (1969): leaning forwards, senses open.

The title of the exhibition refers not only to Kari Cavén’s ambiguous artwork with the same name (1990), but also to the fluidity and transient nature of emotions. The five themes of the exhibition are intertwined with diverse emotions, but also with each other. We traverse from subterranean, repressed mental landscapes through the spirituality kindled by art, into nostalgia, the verbal expression of emotions, and the atmosphere shaped by the mediation of materials and different senses. Visitors are invited to create their own routes through the exhibition, with any emotions they experience along the way never being either right or wrong.

A museum would not be a museum without its collections – the entire museum institution has its origins in humankind’s innate need to collect things. Who does the collecting and on what basis, as well as what is put on display in exhibitions, is, of course, crucial. Accumulating and presenting the works in collections always involves an exercise of power. The choices made inform the construction of the art history of the future, and hence our understanding of the world around us. At the same time, besides shaping the museum´s exhibition programme, the collections also paint the museum’s own individual portrait. Föreningen Konstsamfundet’s art collection is managed by Amos Rex and comprises more than 6 000 works. It is based on the body of some 400 artworks built up by the businessman, newspaper publisher and patron of the arts Amos Anderson (1878–1961). His home museum, Amos Andersons Hem – opened on Yrjönkatu Street, Helsinki, in spring 2023 – and Söderlångvik Museum on Kimito Island both house permanent displays of mostly older works from the collection.

The extensive and vast exhibition at Amos Rex art museum presents over 100 artworks from 76 artists, extending from the 1960s to the present day. Art works include painting, installation art, sculpture, video art, photography and sound art.

The exhibition is curated by Kai Kartio, Krista Mamia, Kaj Martin and Katariina Timonen with intuition and talent.

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Museum contact details

Amos Rex
Mannerheimintie 22-24

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Amos Rex, Mannerheimintie 22-24


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

20/15/5/0 €

Payment methods

Pankkikortit/bankkort, Visa, Mastercard, MobilePay, käteinen/kontanter, Eazybreak, Edenred mobiilisovellus/Edenred mobilapp, Edenred virikeseteli, ePassi-mobiilisovellus/ePassi mobilapp, Smartum kulttuuriseteli/Smartum kultursedlar, SmartumPay, Museokortti/Museikort, Helsinki card

Opening hours

Mon 11:00-18:00
Tue Closed
Wed 11:00-18:00
Thu 11:00-18:00
Fri 11:00-18:00
Sat 11:00-17:00
Sun 11:00-17:00

During the summer, Amos Rex is open weekdays until 6 pm 17 June - 9 August.

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