 Admission with Museum Card

Living Utopia

Theatre Museum, Helsinki

  • 11.9.2024–20.10.2024

The pioneering Finnish Live Arts Collective Other Spaces is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.


Other spaces started operating within Nälkäteatteri in 2004. Over the years, Other Spaces has developed into one of the most significant and international performing arts groups in Finland, with its own unique aesthetics and artistic practice.

Over the years, Other Spaces has developed more than 200 physical and collective exercises. A common theme of the exercises is transformation and familiarization with forms of being and experiencing that are foreign to humans. The group has presented and taught these exercises at various events and workshops. Based on the exercises, the group prepares thematic performances, such as Reindeer Safari, Humanoid Hypothesis, Great Barrier Reef and Enlightenment Machine, which have been presented at numerous festivals and production houses both in Finland and abroad.

In honor of the anniversary, an exhibition presenting the 20-year activities of the Other Spaces collective will be shown at the Theater Museum. In the exhibition, visitors can take a peek into the history of the Other Spaces collective and get to know the collective’s artistic practice in detail.

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Museum contact details

Theatre Museum
Kaapelitehdas, Kaapeliaukio 3 G, 00180 Helsinki

Näyttelyinfo: 040 1922 300

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Theatre Museum, Kaapelitehdas, Kaapeliaukio 3 G, 00180 Helsinki


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

16/8/6 €

Payment methods

Smartum Pay, Edenredin Virike-seteli ja Ticket Duo -ja Ticket Virike.

Opening hours

Mon Closed
Tue 11:00-19:00
Wed 11:00-19:00
Thu 11:00-19:00
Fri 11:00-19:00
Sat 11:00-18:00
Sun 11:00-18:00

Free admission every last Wednesday of the month at 16–19.

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