 Admission with Museum Card

Sini Pelkki: Evolving Window

Turku Art Museum, Turku

  • 4.10.2024–24.11.2024

Sini Pelkki explores spatiality and the subjectivity of the gaze through photography and moving image.


Enter through the frame. Fit within the square. A blue metallic surface, with leaning shapes and angles. Watch it like an ocean and wait for it to move. Stay where you are. Hide behind your hair.

Careful: edges can be sharp and objects shifting, looking something other than they are. Colours may have faded, run or lost their power. Altered, but the same for one that knows them. Stay in place to make it better. Don’t disrupt the composition, even if it asks you questions you can’t answer.

-Emma Hammarén

Sini Pelkki explores spatiality and the subjectivity of the gaze through photography and moving image. The installation in the Studio consists of photographs, presence of movement and a changing rhythm that is created in the space through associations, materials and the viewer’s own being. The exhibition also includes Present (2024), shot on 16 mm film, which continues the exploration of image, space and composition. The title refers to both gift, presentation and presence. The core of the work is about how different spaces can overlap and exist simultaneously, the dialogue between reflexes and control, choreography that uses improvisation and poetic text interacting with images.

Pelkki’s works take their form in the space they inhabit, in relation to one another and in the existing space. Together they form a reflective room in which it is possible to look in different directions. The elements and themes recur and repeat: the hands, cameras, body, movement. The gaze is being prevented, limited and controlled, but not the seeing.

Sini Pelkki (b. 1978, Helsinki) is an artist working with photography and moving image. She is interested in the subjectivity of the gaze, the limits and possibilities of seeing, spatiality and movement as well as spaces within spaces and the lives they inhabit. Pelkki gained a MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki (FI) in 2008 and a BA (Hons) in Fine Art from Chelsea College of Art and Design, London (UK) in 2002. The Finnish Art Association awarded her the William Thuring designated prize in 2014. Pelkki was shortlisted for the Below Zero Prize in 2017. Sini Pelkki’s works are in the collections of the Saastamoinen Foundation, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and HAM Helsinki Art Museum.

The exhibition is supported by the Finnish Heritage Agency, the Uusimaa Fund of the Finnish Cultural Foundation and the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. Pelkki’s artistic work is supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

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Museum contact details

Turku Art Museum
Aurakatu 26, 20100 Turku

040 6323 378

Museum website

Yhteydet julkisilla

Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa


Turku Art Museum, Aurakatu 26, 20100 Turku


Tai lataa Reitit ja Liput -sovellus

Admission fees

Admission with Museum Card
Admission with Museum Card

13/8/0 €

Vapaa pääsy kuukauden ensimmäinen perjantai klo 16-19. / Fritt inträde den första fredagen i månaden kl. 16-19. / Free entry on first Friday of the month at 16-19.

Payment methods

Smartum-kulttuuriseteli, Virikeseteli, TYKY Kuntoseteli+, Edenred-kortti, ePassi, SmartumPay, EdenredMobile ja Museokortti.

Opening hours

Mon Closed
Tue 11:00-19:00
Wed 11:00-19:00
Thu 11:00-19:00
Fri 11:00-19:00
Sat 11:00-17:00
Sun 11:00-17:00

Exeptional opening hours: https:/­/­turuntaidemuseo.fi/­en/­tickets-and-opening-hours

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