Fredagar på Sibbe: Topias Tiheäsalo – Skeletons
The Sibelius Museum, Turku
- 22.11.2024 (19.00–20.00)
Athmospheric free jazz ballads for the darkening November.
Topias Tiheäsalo, electric guitar
Topias Tiheäsalo plays versions of compositions which he calls “free jazz ballads”. The songs he performs range from John Coltrane to Duke Ellington and from Don Cherry to Albert Ayler. He tries to find the essence of the compositions by whittling down and simplifying them, creating almost skeletal interpretations that are nevertheless very much alive in the moment. Tiheäsalo also plays his own compositions, but the emphasis is always on improvisation in a very free framework. The focus is on sound, tone, atmosphere, including momentary silences. Sounds light up, play – and die away.
Tickets 15€/12€, doors 18.30.
NB. Concert tickets cannot be bought with the Museum Card.
Museum exhibitions
Museum events
Osana kulttuurikierrosta
Museum contact details
The Sibelius Museum
Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku
050 337 6906, 050 362 5828
Yhteydet julkisilla
Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
The Sibelius Museum, Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku
Admission fees
7/5€, ryhmät 5€/ hlö (väh.10). Konserttien hinnat erikseen.
| 7/5€, grupper 5€/pers (minst 10) Konserternas pris avviker.
| 7/5€, groups 5€/person (min. 10) The price of the concerts may vary.
Payment methods
Käteinen, yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit, Museokortti, Smartum- & Epassi-kulttuurisetelit, ICOM, Pressikortti, Vammaiskortti.
Kontanter, allmännaste bank- och kreditkort, Museikortet. Smartum-& Epassi-kultursedlar, ICOM, Presskort, Funktionshinderkort
Cash, most common credit cards (Visa, Mastercard), Museokortti, Smartum, Epassi, ICOM, Presscard, EU Disability Card
Accessibility [the criteria]
- Accessible toilet
- Disabled parking
- Restricted accessibility: sisääntulokerroksen tilat
- Seating inside the exhibition
- Tactile objects