Fredagar på Sibbe: Chronovariations
The Sibelius Museum, Turku
- 25.10.2024 (19.00–20.00)
Heli Hartikainen, tenor saxophone
Esther Calderón Morales, live electronics, programming
Heli Hartikainen is a Finnish saxophonist, clarinetist, composer, and sound artist whose practice derives from a pursuit of enduring textures, functions, and forms. As a saxophonist, Hartikainen is a passionate instrumentalist who constantly pushes the boundaries of their instrument and themself ever further. At the core of Hartikainen’s creative practice, abstraction and existential curiosity playfully intertwine with an endless love of sound. Their work stands as a testament to the power of artistic experimentation.
CHRONOVARIATIONS weaves together the haunting allure of the tenor saxophone with the limitless possibilities of electronic manipulation, superimposing avant garde gestures onto minimalist ambient soundscapes. The record is rooted in notions of sonic resonance, temporality, and emergence, with the title of the work, CHRONOVARIATIONS, deriving from the concept of time and its transformation; timelessness, loss of temporal perception, and the decay of memory. The constantly-evolving chain of variations manipulates the perception of temporal reference points and envelops the listener. The themes of emergence and unfolding encompass the entire album, from compressed “microsounds” to cathartic roaring; journeying through layers of sound, where Hartikainen’s use of silence and negative space is as powerful as their cacophonous crescendos.
Tickets 15€/12€, doors 18.30.
NB. Concert tickets cannot be bought with the Museum Card.
Museum exhibitions
Museum events
- Fredagar på Sibbe: Songs We Carry
- Sibbe Live!: Baccano
- Fredagar på Sibbe: Charlemagne Palestine
- Sibbe Live!: Flamenco!
- Music in the Museum
- Sibbe Live!: Patrik Kleemola & Key Ensemble
- Music in the Museum
- Sibbe Live!: A flower is no flower
- Sibbe Live!: Duo Evening
- Sibbe Live!: Maria Kalaniemi & Timo Alakotila
- Music in the Museum
- Fredagar på Sibbe: Chronovariations
- Sibbe Live!: The Three B's
- Sibbe Live!: VILA
- Music in the Museum
- Music in the Museum
- Sibbe Live!: The Legend – Juhani Pohjanmies & piano
- Music in the Museum
- Fredagar på Sibbe: Topias Tiheäsalo – Skeletons
- Music in the Museum
- Sibbe Live!: Ilmiö Quintet
- Music in the Museum
- Music in the Museum
- Music in the Museum
Osana kulttuurikierrosta
Museum contact details
The Sibelius Museum
Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku
050 337 6906, 050 362 5828
Yhteydet julkisilla
Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
The Sibelius Museum, Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku
Admission fees
7/5€, ryhmät 5€/ hlö (väh.10). Konserttien hinnat erikseen.
| 7/5€, grupper 5€/pers (minst 10) Konserternas pris avviker.
| 7/5€, groups 5€/person (min. 10) The price of the concerts may vary.
Payment methods
Käteinen, yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit, Museokortti, Smartum- & Epassi-kulttuurisetelit, ICOM, Pressikortti, Vammaiskortti.
Kontanter, allmännaste bank- och kreditkort, Museikortet. Smartum-& Epassi-kultursedlar, ICOM, Presskort, Funktionshinderkort
Cash, most common credit cards (Visa, Mastercard), Museokortti, Smartum, Epassi, ICOM, Presscard, EU Disability Card
Accessibility [the criteria]
- Accessible toilet
- Disabled parking
- Restricted accessibility: sisääntulokerroksen tilat
- Seating inside the exhibition
- Tactile objects